This design represents Imposter Syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger Effect with Greek art style and mythology influences. Stories of Niobe, Narcissus, Icarus, and Atlas were used as visual inspirations to create the two characters and surrounding elements. The character standing tall over a mirror represents the Dunning-Kruger effect of overconfidence and hubris, drawn smaller than the figure below. The crouched figure holds up the weighted mirror, looking down into a puddle of their own sweat and tears; representing the feeling of Imposter Syndrome. They can see and feel the labor of their work but it comes with self-doubt. The sun is a nod to the tale of Icarus flying too close to the sun, or overconfidence, and the waves represent the ever changing pride of a person in their work. The quote “Who do you think you are” ties the two figures together as it can be posed as a question or accusation depending on which person is speaking.